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08 24, 2019

7 Qualities of Decorative Concrete That Can Transform Your Dull Floors


7 Qualities of Decorative Concrete That Can Transform Your Dull Floors When someone is choosing decorative concrete flooring, whether you’re looking for interior or exterior, there are some qualities that we’re all looking for or qualities we should be looking for. The process of installing a decorative concrete surface is to improve the look and feel of a new or existing concrete slab. All styles, designs, and installations depend on what you’re looking for or hoping to achieve with this new installation. The limits do not exist when it comes to your new floors! You should be looking for the following qualities: Flexibility Whether you want a new floor look for your indoor or outdoor area, it is important to have a [...]

7 Qualities of Decorative Concrete That Can Transform Your Dull Floors2019-08-28T03:59:18+00:00
08 22, 2019

Must Haves for Millennial Homebuyers


Must Haves for Millennial Homebuyers Technology has made house buying for millennials much easier and much more style and lifestyle-oriented than previous generations. This generation is tuned into the current housing market rates, housing trends, and lifestyle wants and needs, so they are looking for specific details in their homes and their homes. Millennials are a generation of informed consumers that value their lifestyle and location more than space and traditional homes. The top 5 must-haves for millennial homebuyers are: Appliances Even if the kitchen is small, it must have new and trendy appliances. Millennials are the generation of health, wellness, and sustainability, so they want appliances that aid their lifestyles like juicers, blenders, and cooking appliances. Millennials are also the generation [...]

Must Haves for Millennial Homebuyers2019-08-28T04:09:47+00:00
08 21, 2019

How to Epoxy Coat a Garage Floor


How to Epoxy Coat a Garage Floor Choosing to learn the basics of how to apply an epoxy garage floor coating can be extremely beneficial! Below we are going to cover the general steps of a multiple coat flooring system that consists of a primer coat, 100% epoxy, and a clear topcoat. Take each step as an individual task and do not attempt to read the entire process as just one because it can seem a little bit overwhelming at first. We do recommend that no less than two people work on applying an epoxy product if you are not an experienced installer. The extra hands can help reduce the margin of error and make the entire process move much more quickly. Preparing the [...]

How to Epoxy Coat a Garage Floor2019-08-28T04:26:16+00:00